
Geometry - 3D Shapes

Goodmorning, I hope you are having a great morning. In the past week we have been learning about Geometry and 3D shapes, my buddy is Millie D and we had to make shapes out of bluetack and toothpicks. H ere are some of the shapes I made with Millie . . . So these are all of the shapes we made,  and reading left to right here are the shapes names,  Cube: Faces - 6 Edges - 12 Vertices - 8 Square Based Pyramid: Faces - 5 Edges - 8 Vertices - 5 Triangular Prism: Faces - 5 Edges - 9 Vertices - 6 Those are all of the shapes we made and their faces, edges and vertices, some of them were challenging and some were easy. I thought that the smaller version of the shapes were easier, but Millie disagrees with me there she thinks the opposite. Aurelia➶

This Term

Hello, and god bless you, The PMI on this term is . . . P - This term was really good I enjoyed a lot of it like... Eels, biking, trips, winter- sport,  and lots of other stuff. M - The minus was I had a lot of not nice encounters. I - Interesting is finding out what to do around here and how to do stuff but  over all it was a great term. Aurelia➶

Planting at Centennial Stream

Bongiorno,  this week we did some planting, down at Centennial park stream. I was in the first group, it was really fun we found big fat worms and we had  mats to keep the plant warm. We also had little house to put over the plants to keep it warm. It was great fun. Hope you liked my blog post, Aurelia➶

Production Experience

Buongiorno e dio ti benedica, Last night we had our school production, which was held at La Vida. I will name all of the songs and who did them down below: Rutherford - I Wish I was an Infant again. Rutherford - Silent Night, Holy Night. Sheppard - School Trip Boogie. Sheppard - Monday Morning Routine.  Batten - Hey T.A. Batten - PATS Blues. Hillary - Yucky Stuff. Hillary - P.E. Nightmare. All up it probably took about an hour and a half to get through all of it. My song was Hey T.A. there were four people doing cartwheels and here are the names of them: Jay Xanthe Sophie  Aurelia I was one of those people as you can see. The other things we did were mexican wave and lots of other stuff. My favourite dance was Yucky Stuff danced by the Hillary Hub. It was my favourite because they had slime for the part when it says, " It's thrilling when goo is spilling," and for " costume dramas make us snore." It was just my favourite. ...


Good morning and may God bless you, We are doing production dances for the last four weeks. Our song is called HEY T.A. and the other song is SATS BLUES but they call it  PATS BLUES because the SATS BLUES is American. But so far the dance is looking good, we are doing cartwheels, mexican waves  all sorts of stuff and the dance looks great. We are going to nail it on the day of the performance. Aurelia➶


Bongiorno e dio ti benedica, Here is a PMI on this week. PMI POSITIVE Positive is probably after school activities because school was just the same as usual. MINUS Minus is probably nothing. And I don't really have a interesting. So my week was pretty much the same. Aurelia➶

What I liked about this term

Buongiorno e dio ti benedica, The things I enjoyed about this term was that we did this really fun eel project  and at the moment we are doing a business plan I am doing mine with Matilda  and we are doing ankle bracelets and body scrubs we are also going to meet up  in the holidays and make them. In my opinion I think we have had a pretty good term, I love my class. Thank for reading,  Aurelia