Term 1 of 2019
Bonjour et que dieu vous benissa, This term I learnt lots of stuff I didn't know before, so I am doing a PMI (Positive, Minus and Interesting) on this term. POSITIVE The positive thing of this term is probably when we were doing some art, because it was a learning progress. We all had to work hard to accomplish it, for some people it took them may-be two weeks, but for me it probably took me a week and a bit. MINUS The minus of this term was probably not doing enough art and not doing any chemistry, because when you think about it what do you think kids like doing the most? Yeah so probably more art and chemistry, but luckily there is a science club by Mrs O'Neill which is a relief. INTERESTING The most interesting part of this term was believe it or not MATHS it was super cool to be going into higher maths because it was hard and it was exercise for your brain and I love challenging myself sometimes. So overall I had a pretty good term, considering I hav...